Go Brisbane
Name: Go Brisbane Entwickler: OAK Systems Enterprise Preis: Größe: 8,3M | Version: 1.2.3 minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher Kategorie: Reisen & Lokales Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
Go Brisbane displays Brisbane Trains, Buses and Ferries timetables data on your Android Phone.
All timetable data is stored on your phone, so it does not require any network access.
- Favourites: Save your stops for quick access to departure information
- Over the air updates: Get the most up to date timetables as they are generated.
- Location Search: Find your closest station or terminal, searching by name or GPS.
- Summary view allows you to scroll through all matching trips for the week, showing ETA and arrival/departure times
- Reverse a trip option.
- Get directions to nearest stations, using GPS
- Automatically selects weekday/weekend timetable
- Supports services that only run on select days (e.g. late night Friday/Saturday)
NOTE: Timetable data is derived from the web based timetables, so it does not take into account any delays or cancellations. Best efforts are taken to ensure timetable accuracy, but no guarantees are made. If you find an error in the timetable, please email contact@oaksystems.com.au with details, and it will be fixed in the next release.
If you have any ideas or find any bugs please contact us. We are working hard to create the best Android Phone application for Brisbane.
Follow us on Twitter for regular updates: http://twitter.com/gotransitapps