Sniper shot! (ad-free) - Free Download

on Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Sniper shot! (ad-free)

Name: Sniper shot! (ad-free)
Entwickler: coder1cv8
Preis: 0,75 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 14M
Version: 2.1.11
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Unterhaltung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


This app will turn your friendly Android-communicator to the deadly sniper rifle. Choose a weapon to your liking and look at the outworld over the telescopic sight! You have the best weapon systems all times: dangerous M82, legendary AK47 and even bazooka! Easter eggs inside.

Important! This version has no difference with free version except the absence of advertising. You can buy it if you want to thank us and to help in development of current free games and apps, and in creation of new ones!

Thank you for support indie-developers!

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