AudioBoost SGS2 - ICS WORKING! - Free Download

on Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

AudioBoost SGS2 - ICS WORKING!

Name: AudioBoost SGS2 - ICS WORKING!
Entwickler: Carlo Cuoghi
Preis: 1,80 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 396k
Version: 2.0
minimale Android Version: 2.3.7 oder höher
Kategorie: Musik & Audio
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


New version also WORKING with new ICS firmware and all latest roms! ;)

AudioBoost finally on the Samsung Galaxy S 2!! Allows you to boost the volume for a +19%! It BOOSTS headphones, speaker and probably mic and everything else! Only software to give a boost so powerful on the SGS2!
YOU NEED A ROOTED DEVICE! If you still didn't root your phone, now it's a great time to do so!
Works ONLY on the SAMSUNG GALAXY S 2 (GT-I9100)!

USAGE: After install, open the application and it will prompt you to install alsa (after giving it root privileges).
Then you can choose the desired volume and hit the "ENABLE" button. After enabling you can fine-tune the volume as you please with the slider.
Then you can hit the menu button on the phone and choose QUIT -> BACKGROUND. It will work in background mode (leaving a statusbar notification).
Whenever you like to exit, just do use QUIT -> QUIT and it will stop working. You don't need to disable the boost before doing so, it will save the status and be ready for the next time you'll open it!
If you like there is also an option to have it open on boot…just look under Settings!
For any question just send me an email! ;)

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